Thursday, February 7, 2019



Throughout units 9 & 10 I have had multiple ups and downs to do with the project. I will begin talking about what went well, my initial plan was to create a track that represented the contemporary blues genre, as well as putting together an EPK as an example of what would be sent to a Record label. These units were being used by me as a trial project for my FMP, this gave me a chance to get a feel of what I wanted to do for my final project, and see if taking the artist route was what was right for me. 

Things that went well included my research, I feel that I managed to get a good amount of research together, though I had a few setbacks throughout the project, I still found time to complete my written research and use it to inform the reader of typical things to consider when becoming a musician that wants to release music, or send it off to a record label. I also believe that the final product, my track, turned out really well. Its a song that I really enjoyed writing and performing to the college and at a live event in town. I believe it to have been a good representation of the contemporary blues genre and I really enjoyed collaborating with Harrison on the project. 

Some flaws in my project include the fact that I began wanting to have the track as a finalised piece of music, thats release ready, however it ended up becoming a demo version due to the recording standards. The recording studio I used was my home studio, though this is perfect for guitar recording, straight into the computer, It was not created right to be used as a vocal booth. The general quality of the vocals wasn't that great in the end, I don't feel I know enough about mixing vocals to have been able to fix it either.  I also feel that when taking part in the live performance at college, I was so under the weather the whole performance was terrible. Listening to it back, I have found that I was not singing anywhere near as well as I usually can, due to the fact I was so ill. Performing is hard enough as it is, let along hitting every flat note possible whilst not being able to project your voice, its even worse when its your own music. I also had trouble understanding what I was meant to be doing at first, because I was not eating the brief thoroughly enough, making everything a lot harder for me. 

Though there were more negatives than positives throughout these units, I have decided that for my FMP I will be following the same pathway, using all of the faults I encountered in this project, and making sure I do everything 100x better.  For my FMP I will be mirroring this project, however I will be researching more into the production routes of music, as well as creating 4 songs, not just one. This mean that I will have to work really hard in order to complete enough work for the project, I am aiming to get a distinction in the final project too. Though the projects have all been q bit of a challenge for me, I believe that I can complete a body of work to a really high standard for the end of the year, I feel confident that I can do this. 

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