Tuesday, January 8, 2019



Becoming an independent artist is sometime seen as a better option than being a signed artist due to the fact that the opportunities can benefit you a lot more. You have total control of everything that happens with you as an artist, you don't have a contract to restrict you from doing what you want to do. 
You don't have to fit into anyones restrictions, meaning any ideas you have about yourself as an artist will go forward as long as you want them to. You are also able to take as long as you want when creating music, you don't have deadlines, unless you set them yourself, so you are able to take your time with your music and get it right at your own pace. Being an independent artist is just as good as being signed, but you make your own rules essentially. The downside is that you wont have the backing of a major record label to get you started. 

You wont have to share your earnings with anyone or mould your artist personality to fit anyone else's satisfaction. Generally you are the master of your own destiny and if you want it bad enough and can put the work in as an independent artist then you 100% should go for it, however if you wanted the stability and certainty of a record label then that also has many benefits to it. 

The biggest benefit of a major label signing you is there will be a lot of money backing you. They are able to advertise and get you into bigger venues, tan perhaps some of the places you could perform as an independent artist. However the downside is you are essentially seen as an employee that gets paid based on profits, not your drive to be successful. 

An example of an artist who is independent and made it in the industry is Chance The Rapper, he refuses to become signed to a label because he believes that it restricts an artists freedom to be creative. He stated in an interview I recently watched that being an unsigned artist means he can do whatever he wants, he can release his own music at whatever time he feels like, as well as being able to pick his own shows, rather than having someone controlling everything that happens to him in the music business. He has stated that the thinking about being signed, he does believe it would sometimes be a lot easier having someone do everything for you, however it doesn't  change his mind. 

This information comes from a range of primary and secondary sources, from first hand information to Q&A's with intrigued artists.

YouTube. 2019. Chance the Rapper Interview on Remaining Unsigned, His Tattoo and Being a Dad | ABC News - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co_Zq8DfYOM. [Accessed 15 January 2019]. 
Primary source.

Medium. 2018. Why becoming an independent artist is better than signed artist?. [ONLINE] Available at: https://medium.com/giglue/why-becoming-an-independent-artist-is-better-than-signed-artist-53679ecaf0ff. [Accessed 08 November 2018].
Secondary source.

Record Deal vs. Independent Artist. 2018. Record Deal vs. Independent Artist. [ONLINE] Available at: http://jagmmp.com/music_articles/record_deal_or_independent_artist.html. [Accessed 27 November 2018].
Secondary source.

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