Tuesday, January 8, 2019



First of all, an explanation of what an EPK actually is, is in order. EPK stands for 'Electronic Press Kit', it is essentially a musicians resume that promotes them as an artist, shows what they have to offer in order to get a place in a record label. there are key things that need to be included within an EPK in order for it to be productive enough. 

1) MUSIC, this is the most important part for an EPK, its a chance to show off your best work and prove to the label you have a lot to offer talent wise. 

2) PHOTOS and album art, the is a chance to show yourselves off as an artist, to identify that you have thought about branding and your public profile. this includes press shots, performance shots, photoshoots and logos or album covers, with explanations. 

3) BIO, this is a short description of yourselves as artists, a shorts background analysis with information about yourselves as people as well as musicians, however this should to be a bio talking about how "great" you are. 

4) VIDEOS, you should always include videos of performances you have completed, as well as any music videos you might have created, but mainly live performances, to show what your stage presence is like as well as how well you are able to perform live.

5) LINKS to social media accounts, in order for them to look at what your social media presence is like, as well as where they can go to purchase your music. 

6) PAST PRESS, this will include any articles that have been written about you, or quotes from press about you as an artist. 

7) CONTACT INFO, emails, phone numbers, anything that is used to conduct contact between the label and yourself as an artist. 

This is a list of the basics you should always include in an EPK, the next steps actually creating the epk, and how it should be presented. Currently I am using sonicbids to present my EPK, as its a step by step template for presentation, it also allows you to come back to it whenever you want. I have not got all of the information prepared that I want to put in there yet, so I will be spending some time to produce the right biographies and other bits to include beforehand. 

This is a primary source of information I used from the sonicbids website. 
Sonicbids. 2018. How to Create an EPK and Exactly What to Put in It. [ONLINE] Available at: http://blog.sonicbids.com/how-to-make-an-epk. [Accessed 04 December 2018].

Primary source.

This is what it looks like when being sent to a record label. I have embedded the link to our sonicbids EPK page, this includes a couple of photos of ourselves, our demo of Hello darling as well as Hey little mamma. Though there is not much information to add to this, I will be making sure that for my FMP, I upload videos to youtube from live performances in the studio as part of the package. I have linked in all of our existing social media accounts, so that a potential label could see our social media presence. Alongside this I have written a short biography explaining what we do and who we are. You are able to make your account public for people to look you up, as well as having many options to send the EPK off. It tells you how much you have completed in percentage format, as well as having a list of things that you can add into the EPK itself. 
Below I have added screenshots of how the EPK looks when its being opened by the viewer. Next time I will be adding much more to it, making sure every detail is perfect. 


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